Meet Rico Series
he ko ati sa mufnctond and hoghy eopnddle mtae hema mgrg poct he oct feed wthaede ae angeindedteche taty dk eepece magnfcao up to 6 tme,ad compeenste upgedeosoftainterface.With the updated, the Rico series also offers advanced image correction and automatic image optimization.
High lmage Quality
Tre Rico seres s embedied wit an mfaed,independerty dereloped high peromane Vox detecto, wich ofers you vid,hgy deled themalmages. ts ease to eact fo tanes i the ar wit amazngy shanp image qualy)
AMOLED Micro Display
The hgh contast AMOLED mcro display ith HD esoluten ofes shap mage and wid colors. the display screnhas excelent mage qualty and gives a fawles perfomace,evren in frezrng temperature
Ultraclear Mode
The built-in ultraclear mode is especialy designed for harsh weather conditions, such as in heavy fog and rain. lt wil be more sensitive and display more details.
User-Friendly Interface
Smple and easyt oerate s the mta des mte ton of the rco eres the wd cor des ofe salred uide ard tarsrcert hadound of he men dsda ensmo the se to otrene the tarne unotstmicte
The Pcture-i-icture tuncion improes accuracy by proridng a 2 -magtfed mage of the retidle area, athe top o the display, theps to magny the target while mantaning isblty of the entre feld of view.
12 umThermal lmaging Sensor
High performance 12 um pixel pitch detectors are embedded.
Expandable Laser Ranging Function
The Rcosere ofes ase angny capabfes wtit can courty captn tspa teagedane t auyo manda mun sae f e t pe e oe ce pndg mto nos-ge
Time Measurement and Scanning mode with + m acuracy up to km distance. Scaing mode alows the shooter to adjust guicky to changing distances for betershot placement
Long detection range up to 2600 m
Poveful od sctre lens incontbinaton with proesecra grade thema magmg senso wih ME<40 m prodes excepiona detecion caab tes staad . m ta otect can be detectet ta 200 m istancein comde dames.